Our Programs
HIV/AIDS Integrated Prevention and Care
- Prevention and Care Activities with People Living with HIV/AIDS and Orphans and Vulnerable Children including health and social support and income generating activities, and community education workshops and events.
- Drug education and HIV prevention and health education with drug users and people at risk.
- Focused Prevention with mobile populations and other at risk populations.
"We are learning a lot about health, HIV/AIDS, relationships and hygiene." OVC Self Help Group Leader (SAHACOM), Poipet City.
Community Development
- Projects focussed on sustainable community development and livelihood enhancement such as agricultural and small business activities, income generation activiites, skills training, group building and community driven projects.
"This project has already made me more confident. I can help people even if they are older than me." Ms. Kim Hung, Peer Educator (ILENFEP), Ta Ma Village.
- Assistance to vulnerable and migrant workers through social support, education about migration laws and healthy lifestyles, as well as skills training and start-up capital assistance for agriculture and small business activities.
"Our Peer Educator talks to us about HIV and safety. We now know that we can get blood tests for HIV for free." Mr. Nut, Transport Company Labourer (CRIPS), Poipet City.
-Education on harm reduction, health and decision making. Improving access to health care services and counselling. Vocational training and microloans to improve livelihoods.
"There are a lot of drug users in our community. If they don't have anything to do for work they use drugs and alcohol. Yes, I think we could benefit from skills training and literacy training in this village" Young community member, Preah Ponlea village.
Past Success
Rice Bank – Ta Ma Village
In 1994/95 SEADO set up a committee to manage a rice
bank for the people of Ta Ma Village and it is still running today. It was set up to make sure villagers had rice to plant when they needed it. Members can borrow 100 kg of paddy rice at the start of the growing season and then pay back 130 kg at the end. Profits are used for community projects like repairing roads, building maintenance and now money is available to help sick people in the village if they are poor. This is a great example of what a community can do for itself with a bit of help from SEADO.